IHDSL Commands
fieldName | unaryMessage
ResultSet fromFileName: 'data.txt'.
ResultSet fromScriptNamed: 'script.st'.
ResultSet fromBundle: 'bundle.st'.
ResultSet datasources.
tabDelimitedString asResultSet.
tabDelimitedString asResultSetDefault.
asResultSetKinds: #(#String #String #Dateyyyymmdd #Number )
required: (true false false true)
Protocol *DevImprovekit-fuzzy set
Returns a collection with the fuzzy values (using triangular membership function for values 0 .. 1) given field (number> = 0 and <= 1)
Protocol *DevImprovekit-statistic collections
Returns a collection with the chi squared frequencies of the given field (numeric)
Protocol *DevImprovekit-statistic values
Returns the Gini coefficient for the given field
Returns the Theil coefficient for the given field
Protocol *DevImprovekit-testing
Returns true if the given column values follow a normal distribution (based on chi-square method)
Protocol accessing
Returns a collection with the values of the given field
Protocol copying
Returns a result adding new columns by transposing rows from fieldNameOrSymbol field. Calculate anotherField's average for each group of fieldNameOrSymbol
Returns a result adding new columns by transposing rows from fieldNameOrSymbol field. Calculate anotherField's sum for each group of fieldNameOrSymbol
Protocol enumerating
Returns a new set that is the difference with
Another set (comparing the given aspects).
closed difference: new by: #('proyecto' 'periodo''tipo')
Select rows for selectFieldName values in the first
aNumber ranking positions given by fieldNameOrSymbol.
Example: data where: #type isTop: 5 rankedBy: #items
Protocol inspecting
displays the results in a browser
Returns a list of the projects present in the dataset (class objects Projects)
Protocol statistic collections
Returns a collection with the class intervals (frequencies) for the given field (numeric)
It is a measure of symmetry, or more accurately, the lack of symmetry. A distribution, or data set, is symmetric if it looks the same on the left and right of the center point. skewness of a normal distribution is zero, and symmetric data should have a skewness
near zero. Negative values of skewness indicate data that are skewed left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right
Protocol statistic series
Returns extrapolated points (from the value field of a trend)
Returns an object of class or ExponentialTrendSeries LinearTrendSeries values for the given field (numeric)
Protocol statistic values
Returns the average value of the given numeric field. example:
Returns the value of the variance of the field
number given. If you want to access the value
scale use varianceValue
Protocol testing
Returns true if the given set is not empty
Class ResultSetRow
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a ResultSetRow
One row of a ResultSet
Manage message routing to access a field directly by name
Protocol *DevImprovekit-fuzzy set
Return the fuzzy value
Returns true if the field value is fuzzy medium
(considering a real number domain 0 .. 1)
Protocol *DevImprovekit-testing
Protocol aggregating
Cumulative average of the given field
Sumatoria acumulada del campo dado
Protocol aspects
Returns the period's date
Returns the period as BaselineN yyyy
Procotol dates
Returns the day of the given date type column (by default today)
Returns the year of the given date type column (by default the current year)
Protocol defaults
Returns the period's date
Returns the value of the numeric field #value, #value or #total
Protocol enumerating
Returns all columns
| uat |
uat: = data where isNotNull: 'fallasUat'.
uat indexedOn: # ('project' 'rename').
data select
field: [: ug | ug duration] as: 'dur' on: uat
ifNone: [0]
Protocol fields
Returns a named field
Returns the fields with aliases. Example:
fields: #(''proyecto'' ''id'')
as:#(''proyecto'' ''issue_tracker_id'' )
Protocol statistics
Returns the percentile value belonging to the
percentile dice field (zero if not
found in centiles, error)
ds: = data omit inputTime.
ranking: = ds ranks timeUsed.
ds select
defaults: [: row | row rankedOn: ranking]
as: 'ranks''
Protocol testing
Returns true if the field value is equal to the value given
Returns true if the field value is different from the value given
Class ResultSetRowGroup
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a ResultSetRowGroup
Grouping of a ResultSet
Note: #sum, #average, y #standardDeviation answer a ResultSet. If you want the scalar value, use protocol #sumValue, #averageValue, #standardDeviationValue (see Collection)
Protocol *DevImprovekit-activity system
Group by defaults fields and components of the activity system
(instruments, operations, actors) plus an aliased field / expression
Protocol enumerating
Grouped by the defaults fields
Example: ((data where project: 'PROJECT NAME')
and type: 'TYPE OF DEFECT')
groupBy defaults select
defaults: [: g | g count] as: 'items'
field: [: g | (g distinct: #type) joinSeparatedBy: $ ~] as: 'instrument'
field: [: g | (g distinct: #state) joinSeparatedBy: $ ~] as: 'operation'
field: [: g | g allActors asSet joinSeparatedBy: $ ~] as: 'actors'
Protocol fields
Grouped by a field / expression with alias
Groups of three fields / expressions, plus another field / expression with alias
Class ShewhartPlotSeries
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a ShewhartPlotSeries
In statistical quality control, the individual / moving-range chart is a type of control chart used to monitor variables from a business or industrial process for which it is impractical to use rational subgroups.
Series of a StatisticPlotMorph that determines limits of variation and bands (sigmas) from the moving range. Source: Understanding Variation, Wheeler
Protocol *DevImprovekit-signals
As the signal of '' upward '' variation, but considering fuzzy logic (group of projects) instead of statistical variation
As the "weak" variation signal, but considering fuzzy logic (group of projects) instead of statistical variation
Protocol accessing
Lower limit -1sigma
Data average
Protocol drawing
Opens a frequency histogram around
Of the mean value (- + 3sigma)
Draws the series and opens in the Hand
Protocol signals
Returns a collection with the signs of upward variation: a possible process of change that shifts somewhat the average downwards, or upwards
Returns a collection with weak variation signals: a possible process that causes a downward slope, or a rise, of the mean
Protocol statistics
Intervalos de clase (dividido x1000)
_Valores promedio de los sigmas (dividido x1000)
Class TrendPlotSeries
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a TrendPlotSeries
Abstract class of trend series based on the equation of the line.
It can be reimplementated for better fit using "The Theil" algorithm
Protocol accessing
Parameter values that characterize the series
Protocol drawing
Draws the series and opens in the Hand
Protocol regression
Returns the b component of the equation of the line
Returns the coefficient of the regression line
Protocol testing
Class KPI
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a KPI
Public interface of Measures for IHDSL.
(KPI id: 'ReleaseDefectsMeasurement') baselines: (Projects named: 'Producto').
KPI select:[:kpi| kpi qi < 0.92]
Protocol accessing
Returns the categorization (or size) of the indicator (Effort, Quality, Activity, etc.).
Returns the ID of the owner / author user flagclass
Class protocol
Devuelve una nueva KPI cuya identificación es el ID dado
Devuelve un conjunto de KPI que evaluan aBlock a true
Protocol context
Returns a dictionary with information related to the indicator that supplements the same numerical tables and graphs. It provides a broader context to aid the user in making decisions
Returns a number from 0 to 1 that indicates the quality of the input data (related to the size or category of the indicator). Much higher, the better
Protocol queries
Returns a ResultSet with weekly consolidation project type equal to a given
Retorna un ResultSet con los datos semanales para todos los proyectos
Protocol queries-activity systems
Returns a ResultSet with the data for the project and components
of the given activity system. The data corresponds to a phase or
comparable period (without discriminating the type of phase or release)
Protocol testing
Returns true if the graph type indicator is Bar
Returns true if the measurement is the minimum amount of data to be considered statistically significantProjects
Class ImprovekitPoject
Protocols of messages that can be sent to a Projects
Public interface of Projects for IHDSL.
Projects ImrprovekitProject enabled.
Projects ImrprovekitProject named: 'Product'.
Projects ImrprovekitProject selectFromGroup: 'group hurst value < 0.4'
Protocol *DevImprovekit-fuzzy set
Returns a fuzzy set associated with a given metric (ActivityVolume) indicating an overall level of 'performance' of the project in relation to its category (# nodata if it could not calculate)
Protocol accessing
Returns true if the project is active