Individual and social creativity for Social Good
It is often said, and rightly so, that data quality is essential for both analysis and training an AI... but it is not so common to hear about WHAT data, in particular, WHAT METADATA... I think it is because a robust theoretical framework is not usually used to analyze data (as is done, for example, in science, through theories, etc.).
And in the case of AI, the approach is also important... since it is necessary, in my opinion, to deploy a dialogue (this is what is new and powerful about this instrument) using natural language but within a framework of concepts... in principle, depending on the applications, it is not convenient for AI to be a black box in this sense...
How can we use this analysis with AI?
Taking AI-assisted creativity as an example, I used XUL to imagine a series of sea creatures as well, in this case to explore a “creative dialogue process.”
To do this, XUL allows for including domain-specific knowledge in the conversation (not just concepts, but also proven techniques, processes, archetypes, templates, roles, etc.)
What attracts me most about this new technology to assist creativity, on the one hand, is the ability to use natural language (even without the need to use English) to interact with the software, and on the other hand the need to have to interact: unfolding a dialogue is a creative process.
The creative DYAD
XUL is a creativity support environment that includes a specific domain and various tools to explore it, even in a reflective manner by XUL itself, for example, to set up a chat based on a human/AI creativity dyad under certain criteria such as cognitive diversity:
"- **Exchange of Perspectives**: We can start by sharing our unique experiences and knowledge. By combining our different perspectives, we can generate ideas that neither of us could have conceived separately.
**Brainstorming**: Let's conduct a brainstorming session where we each propose ideas without restrictions. Then, we can discuss and refine these ideas, leveraging our individual strengths to develop them further.
**Challenge and Collaboration**: We can challenge each other's ideas constructively, which can lead to an even more innovative synthesis of concepts. By collaborating and debating, we can find creative solutions to complex problems."
Innovation Templates
Exploring the domain of advertising creativity and design during the DALI project, with the mind to develop an application that supports creativity and innovation, I came across the InnovationTemplates (Goldenberg et. al.).
Goldenberg, Mazursky, and Solomon extend Altshuller's methods (ITRIZProcess) to propose that ideation is more effective when the PD team focuses on five templates ' well-defined schemes that are derived from an historical analysis of new products. The authors define a template as a systematic Change between an existing Solution and a new solution and provide a method by which the PD team can make these changes in a series of smaller Steps called TemplateOperation
With the advent of AI, the DALI project mutated into XUL, and with this environment I was able to begin to directly employ these ideas, which apply to creative domains beyond design and advertising.
“Smart” processes
Can a creative process be defined? Sure, in fact, there are many... how to put them into practice in a way that does not affect the subjective form of the creatives is the key. A clue: language
The use of AI in conjunction with a (creative) process reminds me of the idea of "Smart Process", which I summarize:
People will always use a mix of ideas from different sources and, since they also improvise, a fully defined Process becomes outdated.
Instead, a SmartProcess with a SmartProcessTool based on ProcessPractices (more flexible and easier to maintain) should be used.
The description of a Process should not be fiction but reflect what is actually done. Users want to apply the process, not just read about it: ExplicitKnowledge should be presented when needed, summarized and useful.
But, by the very nature of the interaction with AI, based on dialogue, I think it adapts very well to an unfolding process, typical of creative processes. An example of the latter is the following session in XUL using a specific process for the advertising domain (in this case a prototype of a new sneaker ad), in addition to some outcomes being fun, it illustrates the creative process
In 1992 Finke et al. proposed the 'Geneplore' model, in which creativity takes place in two phases (Stages): a GenerativePhase, where an individual constructs mental representations (incomplete forms) called PreinventiveStructures, and an ExplorativePhase where those structures are used to come up with creative ideas.
Using the process in XUL: the example bellow is a chair design, two AI chats and image generation to foster creativity from pre-inventive structures and process stages (this could also be done in one chat, or include more processes, tools, and concepts...)
It's not just any Dialogue
One of the things that attracts me about current AI is the way of interaction, since language, and dialogue in particular (not all) can be the basis of the creative process.
BohmDialogue is a form of FreeAssociationThinking conducted in groups with no predefined purpose
Conducted in groups of 10 to 40 people sitting in a single circle for a few hours during regular meetings or days in a workshop
Participants suspend their thoughts, motives, impulses, and judgments to explore and attempt to "Think together" collectively
It is not a discussion, lecture, discourse, or debate but a mutual exploration of human thought
The aim is to observe how hidden values and intentions can control conduct and how cultural differences can clash
Dialogue allows for collective learning and can lead to increased harmony, fellowship, and creativity
There are no firm rules for conducting a Dialogue as its essence is learning through creative participation
Participants examine preconceptions, prejudices, thinking patterns, and share insights
Starting a BohmDialogue involves suspension of thoughts, having between 20 to 40 participants in a circle, setting a duration of about two hours, having experienced facilitators, and beginning with any topic of interest
In a Dialogue, new insights and creativity can emerge, and participants are encouraged to consider conflicting possibilities and hold opposing views simultaneously.
Creativity is a collective process, examples are creative dyads, or the unfolding of a dialogue... Can AI also be a partner in the process?
How to start a "Bohm dialogue"
Suspension. Suspension of thoughts, impulses, judgments, etc., lies at the very heart of Dialogue
Numbers. A Dialogue works best with between twenty and forty people seated facing one another in a single circle. Smaller groups, on the other hand, lack the requisite diversity needed to reveal these tendencies and will generally emphasize more familiar personal and family roles and relationships.Duration. A Dialogue needs some time to get going. It is important to point out that perseverance is required. In setting up Dialogues it is useful at the start to agree the length of the session and for someone to take responsibility for calling time at the end. We have found that about two hours is optimum
Leadership. A Dialogue is essentially a conversation between equals. At least one or, preferably two, experienced facilitators are essential
Subject matter. The Dialogue can begin with any topic of interest to the participants. No content should be excluded. In an existing organization the Dialogue will very probably have to begin with an exploration of all the Doubts and Fears that participation will certainly raise. Members may have to begin with a fairly specific Agenda from which they eventually can be encouraged to diverge
About XUL
XUL is an application/environment to support creativity with AI for MacOS
It is based on a robust creative dialogue model, which somehow makes prompt engineering transparent
It has a specific domain of knowledge about creativity, innovation, design and advertising, science and society that is broad and easy to use
It accommodates diverse types of users, from beginners to the most experienced and technical
It is fun
I use it for myself!
XUL es una aplicación resultante de un proyecto de investigación personal de muchos años, que tiene como objetivo aprovechar el potencial de las computadoras como nuevos instrumentos/medios radicalmente diferentes a los anteriores. Desde un principio tomamos los dominios específicos de la publicidad y el diseño como fuentes de inspiración, y con el paso del tiempo y el surgimiento de la IA ha madurado en algo realmente existente, pruébalo!!!
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