The plugin allows you to migrate a whole server, with several options: one or more projects, basic data such as types of issues, custom fields, issue / s range, with or without links, comments, attachments, worklogs ... incrementally, about a project exists or not, you can modify existing records or not ... with respect to users, you can migrate them (with their respective attributes such as email, etc.) or assume a default user (as indicated by the options ). It can work from one JIRA to another JIRA (the origin must always be server, the destination can be Server or Cloud):


Suggested migration steps

Previous to run the migration, you should do the following in your JIRA 2 (destination):

After migration, as final step, you should complete each project issue's schemes as needed

  • Issuetypes are not case sensitive
  • Migrated issues can have different issue key in destination depending on the order of creation and the initial numvalue of each project key
  • Only custom fields of built-in types are migrated 
  • All resolved issues are closed using a given transition (Done) from the initial status that sets the Resolution. After migration you can discard this transition
  • Only issue field's not hidden in project field configuration are migrated
  • Migration JIRA user need to be administrator with  Browse grant in all source projects, and with Create/Edit issues, Modify Reporter, etc. permissions on destination migrated projects
  • Option export issues always inserts and/or updates (does not omit records)
  • File attachments are located in your Jira Home, folder  /import/attachments. You can copy the attachments in a folder for each issue manually or with the update existing information option make the plugin download them for you


Download Ballon for Jira from Atlassian Marketplace

Configuration files

If for some reason you need the origin and destination servers to be different (or adjust other connection options), you can use two configuration files (jira1.yml and jira2.yml respectively) that should be in the JIRA HOME folder of the server where this plugin was installed. Using these files is optional

Example jira2.yml

:username: user_email
:password: atlassian_token
:site: other_destination_host
:context_path: '/jira'
:auth_type: :basic
:use_ssl: true

You should create Atlassian API token and configure yml file/s with user and passwords



Within the jira add-on option, you will see two options in the IMPROVEKIT section: Configure Balloon and Launch Balloon, to configure and execute the plugin process respectively.

The configuration consists in completing the following screen (click to enlarge) with data of the connection to the destination server (see configuration files above if you want to overwrite this information)

Launching process

From the option Launch Balloon you can launch a complete migration process or a step of it as planned (normally it is first to migrate metadata, configure the fields and then proceed to migrate issues and their options).

In order to launch or cancel the process, the administrator password must be enter

Process control

The thrown process can be canceled at any time. Then you can resume the migration: if you were migrating metadata, select the update existing information option so that it does not duplicate the information.
If you were migrating issues, idem, but you can also return to a particular issue, or range of issues (enter the last migrated, or the next if you know the issue key and proceed from there with the rest of the issues).

Log and error console

The migration process displays information in the standard output/error (with more or less information according to the verbose option). To view them, press the refresh button

When the process finishes, press the Done button to release the resources

Privacy Policy

Data security and privacy policy

End User License Agreement



If you need support on the plugin, please send an email to and your order will receive a response and solution. Improvekit is formed by specialists in systems with more than 20 years of experience in software engineering and in Jira's employment every day and develops its applications following a mature methodology to provide its clients with the highest quality and services.

Good flights